Friday, June 15, 2012

Good behavior exclusive

So often that I heard, mostly older people, say that the young guys aren’t that kind and friendly anymore. I hear many of them say that we don’t say yes and please and thank you. That we aren’t polite, don't open doors or let the older sit on our seat on the train or bus.
But do we have changed so much? Were the ones who are now complaining about us so much differently? I can’t imagine that. Things were different back then. I think their parents said to them that they should give them more respect, that they have to know how to behave. Maybe some decades ago the parents were more focused on their children’s good behavior than they are now – not all of them, of course.


I know some parents who place their kids in front of the TV, giving them some sweets and then leave the room or even the house. They don’t do anything, so they think that they can’t be blamed for their kids’ bad education in behavior because they haven’t done anything (wrong). My aunt has two foster children and the parents of them acted that way. I would never allege all parents are like that. But in my mind blaming the teachers and what’s on TV for the bad education on their kids isn’t the right way.

We also have some classes in college about how to behave. Some of you might know that I study Media Management, and as a future manager I should know some rules like how to eat correctly, how to greet someone in the correct way and stuff like that. Most of the things I already know and at the beginning I thought this would be senseless. My parents taught me a lot about how to speak to people who are older than me, that I should not talk when someone else does and that I always look into the eyes of the one I am talking to. But I also learned in that class in which order to use the cutlery on a multicourse dinner, what topics you should talk about during a dinner meeting and what to do in various situations like when you need to go to the restrooms.

It helped me a lot, and I know in the future classes I will learn more because we never know everything. And of course some things can be excused, but as you wanted to be treated politely, you want to do the same to others. You can’t know everything from the beginning – you have to learn it and you need someone who explains you how it works.

Do you think that the young guys nowadays are less polite than some years or decades ago? Do you think that only teachers can be blamed for that? I think it is important how to interact correctly with other people because I am like a mirror: I reflect what others show me. I guess everyone is a bit like that. Am I right?


Tina Fariss Barbour said...

I don't think the young people are polite in the same way as when I was their age. I was taught to say "ma'am" and "sir" when I was talking with an adult woman or man. I had to say it even to my parents. And always "please" and "thank you." I don't hear young people say the "ma'am" and "sir" as much, even in the U.S. South. I"m not sure if that is less polite or just different. I think manners should come chiefly from the parents. And a good rule of thumb is to treat others the way we want to be treated. Great post, Sanny!

Unknown said...

You seem like a very mature young woman. I think we reflect onto others how we want to be treated if we are mature. It seems there are many manipulative and selfish people who don't care, about anyone but themselves and what they have. But there are so many lovely people out in the world to get to know and I want to be a person with manners and treat people with respect and kindness so I taught my children that also. I would not blame teachers for chldren's behavior but they certainly have the opportunity to be role models. I know a lot of grown adults who have teachers to thank for caring about their education and being a good peer who encouraged them when their parents were lacking in that. I really looked up to my teachers in school and I feel like some of that respect is gone for some kids and teachers have a hard time. Do you agree?

Unknown said...

Yes, I agree with you Tina. Times have changed. Some years ago it was certainly different than now, e.g. like how to greet people or how to talk to someone who is older than you. Some things change but some things also remain. In Germany we use the formal 'Sie' when we talk to someone we don't know that well, like a business partner. We also say Mr and Ms and add the last name, instead of using the first name. But more and more young guys just say the first name, even though they don't know that person. Some older people say that's rude, but the young guys don't think anything bad when saying this. This is one of the things that are changing now. The "please" and "thank you" will remain.

Thanks for sharing your opinion with me.

Unknown said...

Thanks for your kind words and reply.

I totally agree with you, Krystal. I want to be treated friendly and so I treat others. I have learned to be polite, to say "please" and "thank you", and to listen when someone else talks. I know that there are lots of guys who use this good nature, because they only love and care about themselves. They think they can do everything, and everyone just loves them.
I really hate such selfish people. My parents once told me, that if I do anything bad, it will come back. Maybe not now, but it will come - maybe when I least expect it.
Teachers are role models, but so are the parents. I think if they only think about themselves and don't care about their kids, no one should wonder when they'll do it like their parents.

I also looked up to my teachers like you, and yes I agree that students have less respect these days. Sometimes I feel like some of them wants to prove how 'great' they are by being rude. That they dare to say any bad words to them or are set to arguing. I hope this will change again. Being a teacher is not an easy job, and under these circumstances, I appreciate even more what they do.

Thanks for sharing your opinion.

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